
STUDY ROOM nai`a の Blog


1 リスニング


2 対話文読解


  A introducing
  B used
  C reduce
 問2 2.
 問3 2.
 問4 3.
 問5 1.
 問6 4.
 問7 3. ・ 4.
3 読解(出典: Owning a Dog: Reading Comprehension | Continuing Studies at UVic
  A 1.
  B 3.
  C 2.
  D 4.
  a care
  b friendship
  c job
  d friends
  e meeting [ / childhood ]
 Q3. 3. ・ 4.
 Q4. 2.
4 整序英作文
 1 [6-1-2-7-4-3-5]
  How long has Chris been absent from work?
 2 [5-3-6-1-4-2-7]
  (Making a) speech takes a little bit of courage.
 3 [6-4-7-1-5-3-2]
  Do you have any paper to write it on?
 4 [7-4-6-1-3-5-2]
  (Human) may run out of fossil fuels in 100 (years).
 5 [3-5-2-1-4-7-6]
  (My father sold) the car nobody in his family used for ($5,000).

5 英作文

  1 (If) I could use it, I would enjoy (many things!)
  2 (so the art teacher soon realized that) it was not drawn by Mike.

 問2 《略》



